VicoHome Cloud Service- Price And Details

In today’s digital age, the importance of cloud storage in surveillance cannot be overstated. With the increasing need for secure, accessible, and reliable storage solutions, VicoHome has introduced its cloud service, ensuring users can access their surveillance footage anytime, anywhere. This article delves into the pricing and intricate details of VicoHome’s cloud service, helping potential users make an informed decision.


VicoHome Cloud Service Plans

VicoHome offers a range of cloud service plans tailored to fit the diverse needs of its users:

  1. No Plan:

    • Offers 7-day cloud storage, capped at 1GB, for recorded videos free of charge.
    • Intelligent features such as AI Analysis, intelligent notifications, and activity zones are not available.
    • Upon registering a VicoHome account, users automatically receive this 7-day storage.
  2. VicoHome Awareness Basic Plan:

    • Provides 15-day cloud storage, with a limit of 3GB for recorded videos.
    • Unlocks intelligent features like AI Analysis, intelligent notifications, and activity zones.
    • Pricing:
      • Monthly subscription: $2.99
      • 3 months: $7.99
      • 12 months: $31.99
  3. VicoHome Awareness Plus Plan:

    • Offers 30-day cloud storage, capped at 5GB for recorded videos.
    • Includes intelligent features such as AI Analysis, intelligent notifications, and activity zones.
    • Pricing:
      • Monthly subscription: $4.99
      • 3 months: $12.99
      • 12 months: $49.99
  4. VicoHome Awareness Pro Plan:

    • Provides 60-day cloud storage, with a limit of 10GB for recorded videos.
    • Comes with intelligent features like AI Analysis, intelligent notifications, and activity zones.
    • Pricing:
      • Monthly subscription: $7.99
      • 3 months: $23.99
      • 12 months: $94.99

For users transacting in currencies other than the US Dollar, the final price might vary slightly due to factors like exchange rates and taxes.


AI Analysis Feature

The AI Analysis feature is a premium offering available to users who opt for the Awareness service plans. This feature enhances the camera’s capabilities by allowing it to recognize specific objects in its field of view.

Currently, the AI can identify four main objects: “Person,” “Pet” (specifically dogs and cats), “Vehicle,” and “Package.” Once an object is recognized, the corresponding cloud recording is marked with an icon representing the object.

For instance, if the AI detects a person, the related cloud recording will be tagged with a “person” icon. Similarly, if a vehicle is detected, the recording will be marked with a “vehicle” icon, with further analysis indicating if the vehicle is approaching, parked, or leaving.


Creating An Activity Zone

Activity Zones are specific areas within the camera’s field of view that users can customize. This feature, available to those who purchase the Awareness service, can significantly reduce unnecessary notifications. After setting up an Activity Zone, the VicoHome app will only send notifications when motion is detected within that specific zone. However, it’s essential to note that all movements within the camera’s field of view will still be recorded, regardless of whether they occur inside the Activity Zone or not.

To set up an Activity Zone:

  • Navigate to the camera’s “setting” icon.
  • Tap on “Activity Zone.”
  • Use the “+” icon to create a new zone, adjusting its size and position as needed.
  • Users can create up to three Activity Zones per camera.


Package Detection Feature

Package detection is a cutting-edge feature based on evolving algorithms and vast data sets. When the camera observes a package being picked up or placed down, it sends a notification. The detected package is highlighted in the notification for easy reference. This feature is especially useful for users who receive frequent deliveries and want to monitor their packages’ status.


Vehicle Mark Feature

After purchasing the Awareness service, users can mark recognized vehicles as known vehicles. This information is then updated in the push content, allowing users to differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar vehicles.

To set up a vehicle mark:

  • Ensure the same vehicle is detected by the camera at least 20 times.
  • Once the camera recognizes the vehicle multiple times, the app will prompt for confirmation.
  • Users can manage marked vehicles in the “Intelligent Service Assistant” section of the app.

With the increasing demand for cloud storage and intelligent surveillance solutions, VicoHome’s cloud service offers a comprehensive package tailored to fit various user needs. Whether you’re looking for basic storage or advanced AI features, VicoHome has got you covered.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I cancel the automatic renewal of my VicoHome cloud service?

Answer: For iOS users, you can cancel the automatic renewal by manually turning it off in iTunes/Apple ID settings at least 24 hours before your subscription expires.

Navigate to iCloud payments, then go to Settings > iTunes Store & App Store > Apple ID > View Apple ID > Account > Subscription, find the VicoHome app, and disable it.

For Android users, turn off the automatic renewal in Google Play Store settings at least 24 hours before your subscription’s expiration. You can cancel it in Play Store payments under Mine > Subscription, find the VicoHome app, and disable it.

2. What exactly is the “AI Analysis” feature?

Answer: The AI Analysis is a premium feature available to users who purchase the Awareness service. It allows the camera to recognize specific objects such as “Person,” “Pet” (currently limited to dogs and cats), “Vehicle,” and “Package.” Once an object is identified, the corresponding cloud recording is tagged with an icon of that object.

3. How does the Activity Zone feature work?

Answer: An Activity Zone is a specific area within the camera’s field of view that you can customize. After setting up an Activity Zone, the VicoHome app will only send notifications when motion is detected within that particular zone. However, all movements within the camera’s field of view will still be recorded.

4. How does the Package Detection feature function?

Answer: Package detection is based on evolving algorithms and vast data sets. When the camera observes a package being picked up or placed down, it sends a notification. The detected package is highlighted in the notification for easy reference.

5. What is the Vehicle Mark feature, and how do I set it up?

Answer: After purchasing the Awareness service, users can mark recognized vehicles as known vehicles. This information is then updated in the push content. To set up a vehicle mark, ensure the same vehicle is detected by the camera at least 20 times. Once the camera recognizes the vehicle multiple times, the app will prompt for confirmation.


The VicoHome Cloud Service is a testament to the brand’s commitment to providing top-notch surveillance solutions. With a range of plans tailored to fit diverse needs and a plethora of intelligent features, users are equipped with tools that not only enhance security but also offer convenience.

Whether it’s the AI Analysis that smartly identifies objects or the Activity Zone feature that reduces unnecessary notifications, VicoHome ensures that users have a seamless surveillance experience. As the digital age progresses, having a reliable cloud service becomes paramount, and VicoHome stands out as a trusted choice in this domain.

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